Behavioural Activation as a Treatment for Depression: A CBT Skills Workshop.
Saturday, 12th November, 2022.
9.30 am – 1.30 pm
Newgrange Hotel, Navan, Co. Meath.
9.30 am – 1.30 pm
Newgrange Hotel, Navan, Co. Meath.
About this Course
Two new CBT treatment protocols (designed specifically for Depression) have shown themselves to be highly effective - and simple to apply! The theories and treatment overviews, of both these protocols, have already been presented in our online course (link?).
This, in-person, skills workshop now provides you with an opportunity to master the key therapeutic skills involved in these two protocols. Skills and techniques such as Socratic Dialogue, Cognitive Restructuring, Guided Discovery, Behavioural Experiments and Graded Exposure must be properly understood - and practiced – if we are to use them to good effect.
Our capacity to take in new information is limited: years of attending one-day training events has taught me this first-hand! One advantage of a blended/hybrid model of learning - being able to focus just on skills (having done the theory online) - allows us to run shorter in-person training events. We believe that a morning-only event maximises our learning experience – no more trying to stay awake after lunch!
This, in-person, skills workshop now provides you with an opportunity to master the key therapeutic skills involved in these two protocols. Skills and techniques such as Socratic Dialogue, Cognitive Restructuring, Guided Discovery, Behavioural Experiments and Graded Exposure must be properly understood - and practiced – if we are to use them to good effect.
Our capacity to take in new information is limited: years of attending one-day training events has taught me this first-hand! One advantage of a blended/hybrid model of learning - being able to focus just on skills (having done the theory online) - allows us to run shorter in-person training events. We believe that a morning-only event maximises our learning experience – no more trying to stay awake after lunch!
Learning Objectives:
Focusing on the two protocols covered in the online course (Lejuez et al and Martell et al), this workshop delivers:
- a variety of case examples (specific to Depression)
- lots of ‘hands on’ practice of the cognitive and behavioural techniques in these protocols
- an opportunity to present your own ‘hard-to-treat’ cases and clinical experiences
- a discussion about further ‘up-skilling’ and appropriate CBT supervison/training supports in treating Depression.
Who Should Attend?
This workshop is tailored to those who have already completed the ‘Behavioural Activation as a Treatment for Depression’ online course - and who wish to become even more skilled in using these CBT protocols. If you have not completed the online course, but have enough knowledge of these protocols, you are also welcomed to attend this skills event. As with each of our ‘integrating good CBT’ workshops, this half-day event will qualify for 4 hours CPD credit.
About the Presenter:
Rosario Nolan is a Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist, Educator, Trainer and CBT Supervisor. She is based in Navan, Co. Meath, running a successful private practice for the past twenty years. Through extensive study (at home and abroad) Rosario has continually pursued excellence, in the treatment of Depression and the Anxiety Disorders, through:
As someone with a wealth of experience in adult learning (both as a participant and as a leader), Rosario believes that the learning experience she provides, be it; CPD workshop, certified training course, or clinical supervision, should always model the CBT core competencies of
With a Masters degree in Family Therapy & Psychotherapy, a Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and a certificate in clinical Supervision, among others, Rosario is also an accredited member of both BACP2 and BABCP3.
Rosario has taught cognitive behavioural psychotherapy modules to degree level and, at a World Conference, presented research on vocational counselling. She has also worked on the Primary Care Counselling Programme – an excellent HSE programme designed to bring good quality psychotherapy to GP practices.
- Individual face-to-face psychotherapy
- Online resources
- The training of other psychotherapists and healthcare professionals in the delivery of integrated CBT, using specific treatment protocols
- Providing CBT clinical supervision to psychotherapists and healthcare practitioners, to further support excellence in practice.
As someone with a wealth of experience in adult learning (both as a participant and as a leader), Rosario believes that the learning experience she provides, be it; CPD workshop, certified training course, or clinical supervision, should always model the CBT core competencies of
- Structure and Clear agenda
- Collaboration and Shared decision-making
- Guided Discovery and Behavioural Experiments and…
- Creativity!
With a Masters degree in Family Therapy & Psychotherapy, a Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and a certificate in clinical Supervision, among others, Rosario is also an accredited member of both BACP2 and BABCP3.
Rosario has taught cognitive behavioural psychotherapy modules to degree level and, at a World Conference, presented research on vocational counselling. She has also worked on the Primary Care Counselling Programme – an excellent HSE programme designed to bring good quality psychotherapy to GP practices.
This workshop has been designed as a companion to the online course - for an optimum learning experience
- NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
- BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy)
- BABCP (British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies).